Saturday, November 17, 2012

2040 Prediction of the world

Using the understanding of super trends and assuming that super trends will continue to positively affect human life and the world as a whole, Cornish (2004) p.29 predicted that in 2040 the world will continue to see new innovations and
transformations. The author indicated advances and innovations in genetics engineering will impact humans and the world even more than how computers have impacted the world today. Humans will have greater control over what type offspring they may want to have (cloning), their health and agriculture. There will be discovery of new materials which will results new products. Collaboration between humans will be increased by new innovations in communications and internet technologies. The predictions of the author are based on the assumption that the forces driving events will continue to act in the same direction. But other unforeseen factors may occur which can reverse the effects of the forces (supper trends). The forces driving the author’s predictions are the six super trends which are shaping the world’s future. Two of the super trends are the progression of technology and economic growth. Technological progression is made possible through scientific research to gain new knowledge which can help humans gain new achievements. The need for economic growth drives humans to use new technologies to continuously improve commerce. The two forces enable each other since the need for economic growth can be achieved by new innovations in technology. Reference Cornish, E. (2004). Futuring: The Exploration of the Future. World Future Society. ISBN-13: 978-0930242619

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